I spent last summer getting over my anger with Montgomery County Democratic Chairman Marcel Groen, who smirked his way through the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary, telling people what a weak candidate Barack Obama was. Groen's behavior was not just bad form, it was bad politics and simply wrongheaded. He created wounds that still haven't fully healed.
But in spite of how our county leader behaved, the Democratic Party rode Obama's wave to a huge victory in November and we solidified our spot as the majority political force in Montgomery County. Of course, Marcel couldn't help but tell us how much he lovvvvved Obama then.
While I didn't necessarily forgive or forget, the anger faded after a while.
Then last week, the Inquirer carried a story that got me madder than ever at Marcel. At least when he supported Hillary, he was backing another Democrat. But now, he's trying to shove a Republican down our throats.
I think it's time to shove back.
Marcel -- along with Montgomery County Democratic State Representative Mike Gerber -- has joined Arlen Specter's "Advisory Committee" to push this turncoat Republican octogenarian as the Democratic candidate in next year's US Senate race. It makes me ill to even think about it.
"There's a lot of residual goodwill," said Montgomery County party chairman Marcel Groen. "Most folks think he's now the incumbent Democratic senator, and we should coalesce around him."
I'm not sure where Marcel is getting his polling data, but I know that "most folks" surely does not include me, or most other Montgomery County Democrats that I talk to.
I can assure you there is no "residual goodwill" here.
Next year, assuming that Joe Sestak follows through on his intention to challenge this fake Democrat, I will do everything I possibly can to support Joe's candidacy. And I believe the "most folks" will coalesce around Joe, not Republican Arlen Specter, in the Democratic primary.
And after we send a message by naming Joe Sestak as the Democratic candidate, it will be time to send another message by finding new leadership for our Montgomery County Democratic organization.
We need to find someone who backs real Democrats instead of propping up frail, aging Republicans who don't support anything our party stands for.
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