Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Times Herald Reporter: Just call him "Mr. Tea"

This is really beyond priceless. Reporter Keith Phucas, Bruce Castor's bestest buddy at the Times Herald, formerly BFF of Curt Weldon and lover of all things conspiracy related, is apparently a card-carrying Tea Partier. Who'da thunk it?

The Times Herald: like their cable news clone, Fox News, delivering far-right propaganda direct to you every day. The house organ of the Montgomery County Republican Party...Now featuring Tea Party reporters!!!

They distort. I deride.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Norristown Times Herald: "Keep your comments to yourself!"

Looks like one of the major changes in the Norristown Times Herald web redesign is the total elimination of Reader Comments. As a semi-frequent contributor, I'm a bit taken by surprise.

But who knows, maybe this will work for them.

It sure will eliminate Stan Huskey's frequent attempts to justify his paper's total lack of objectivity in its coverage of local politics. I'm guessing he'll use the extra time to discuss additional story and column ideas with Bruce Castor and the MCRC.